
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2020

TALLER PARA RESOLVER **** Este ejercicio ya lo resolvimos en un encuentro anterior ****

Por favor proceder de la siguiente manera para resolver el taller: 1. Presione clic en el siguiente link:  Taller No 1 para resolver   2. Conteste una a una de las preguntas contenidas en el cuestionario  : a. Nombre completo del estudiante b. Curso (debe seleccionar el que le corresponde 3-1 o 3-2) c. El resto del cuerpo de preguntas que componen el cuestionario  *** Si no contesta una sola, no podrá enviarla al maestro Hernán Solarte Ramírez, porque la aplicación no se lo permite  d. Al finalizar presione  ENVIAR  Gracias por su colaboración 

EXERCISES Aplicando con los alimentos **** Semana del 22 al 26 Junio de 2020 ****

Páginas para visitar  Todas los juegos de alimentos   Exercise 1.  Todos los juegos de alimentos     Exercise 2.  Juego con frutas      Exercise 3.  Saludables y no saludables  Exercise 4.  Parejas de alimentos  Exercise 5.   Emparejar alimentos 2 Exercise 6.  Audio  Exercise 7.  Utensilios de cocina Exercise 8.  Formas de preparar comidas   Resolve  Exercise 9.  Ordenando una comida 

2. TEXTOS EN INGLES SOBRE ALIMENTOS **** Semana 15 al 19 Junio 2020 ****

FOOD TEXTS IN ENGLISH A healthy food is one that is good or beneficial for health or that provides it. The organism works on the basis of vitamins, minerals and multiple substances and nutrients that food provides.  Fruit is a food that should not be missing in any healthy diet, since most of the vitamins that are needed on a daily basis come from them  Vegetables have always been considered as an example of beneficial health foods that should not be missing in meals. However, it is green leafy vegetables that contain the most vitamins and nutrients.  Cereals and legumes have always had a prominent role in the history of food, thanks to both their low cost of production and their nutritional benefits.  Fish is high in protein, while low in saturated fat, despite being a food of animal origin. They are also a good source of vitamins and minerals,  Video recuperado de : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8v183j8Vclo Meat is a rich sour

Dia del estudiante Cordobita *** 08 de Junio de 2020 *** REPASO PREVIO A EVALUACIÓN

**** Semana del 8-12 Junio de 2020 **** Review TALLER DE REPASO Nombre:   _ _________________________       curso:  _ ______ 1. In the next list of foods there is one that is not healthy : a. Fish b. Salad c. Pizza d. Rice e. Fruit 2. In the next list of foods there is one that is healthy: a. Ice cream b. Pizza c. Soda d. Vegetables e. Hotdog 3. With which of the following groups of letters forms the name of a healthy food ? a. R a p e b. C e r i c. T a p a s d. M a h e. R e a d b 4. Which of these foods is not fruit ? a. Pear b. Grape c. Melon d. Avocato e. Fish 5. What is the name of the food that appears in the figure ? a. Apple b. Tomatoe c. Pear d. Tomatoes e. Lettuce 6. C h i p s, It is a healthy food ? a. Yes b. Not 7. What is the name of the “langosta de mar”, in English ? a. Meal b. Locust c. Crab d.