Páginas para visitar Todas los juegos de alimentos Exercise 1. Todos los juegos de alimentos Exercise 2. Juego con frutas Exercise 3. Saludables y no saludables Exercise 4. Parejas de alimentos Exercise 5. Emparejar alimentos 2 Exercise 6. Audio Exercise 7. Utensilios de cocina Exercise 8. Formas de preparar comidas Resolve Exercise 9. Ordenando una comida
FOOD TEXTS IN ENGLISH A healthy food is one that is good or beneficial for health or that provides it. The organism works on the basis of vitamins, minerals and multiple substances and nutrients that food provides. Fruit is a food that should not be missing in any healthy diet, since most of the vitamins that are needed on a daily basis come from them Vegetables have always been considered as an example of beneficial health foods that should not be missing in meals. However, it is green leafy vegetables that contain the most vitamins and nutrients. Cereals and legumes have always had a prominent role in the history of food, thanks to both their low cost of production and their nutritional benefits. Fish is high in protein, while low in saturated fat, despite being a food of animal origin. They are also a good source of vitamins and minerals, Video recuperado de : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8v183j8Vclo ...
Semana 04-08 Mayo Cordial saludo. Hoy vamos a trabajar LOS ALIMENTOS saludables y no saludables Por favor observa el siguiente vídeo y procura seguir las instrucciones establecidas en él. LOS ALIMENTOS Recuperado de https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_1aAsbgHlM Review Recuperado de : https://co.pinterest.com/pin/257760778649829798/ To learn Healthy food; comida saludable Fast food: comidas rápidas (harmful) Recuperado de : https://www.slideshare.net/YuniorLuchoMartinez/healthy-food-1ro Semana 11-15 Mayo Continue FRUTAS Y VERDURAS en inglés FRUITS FRUTAS Y VERDURAS Recuperado de: https://co.pinterest.com/pin/ATyzhyW1MYXwXvM0irZFHqZwJlnKvq1aD9KfpgyCeYg1NnXRgpmo43U/ OTHER FOODS Recuperado de: https://www.pinterest.es/jorgesanromn/ 1. Busca el nombre de los alimentos establecidos en los cuadros y ubícalos en...